Video Chat Visiting




You can video chat with a trained patient, parent of a child with a heart condition or caregiver of an adult with heart disease. Here’s how:


Video Chat Visiting

You can schedule a video chat visit with a trained visitor.

  1. Click on Schedule a Visit.

  2. Find a time that works for you to receive a Video Chat Visit and select that time.

  3. Follow the steps to schedule your visit.

  4. You can change or cancel your scheduled visit, if needed.

  5. If there are no times available, please email us at, and we will work to get one scheduled for you.


Things to Know about Video Chat

  • Video Chat is done on the Zoom platform.

  • You do not need a Zoom account to Video Chat.

  • To show your video, you need a web cam and microphone. You do not need to show your video.


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